Ultimate skills!

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  • Cody's Avatar
  • Cody
  • 11 years 3 months ago
So im on this quest now, was wondering if they are doable ? I tried a few of the missions and couldnt spot a single reagent for the quest ! Probably be a good time to bring up again how bad of an idea it is to buy tokens to use the skills! Now, with how hard the quest is to obtain the skills, it'd be great to just sell the token to GET the skill, so you dont have to do the quests.
  • Matt's Avatar
  • Matt
  • 11 years 3 months ago
My quest for Karen started with me needing 10 Pretty Flowers and some Stalactites. Halfway through it decided to change its requisites to Unobtainium and Lockboxes. Both were easy to locate on the map, but spawned infrequently enough that you had to spend some time grinding them.
Just noticed i cannot accept the ultimate skill quest on my other characters when i switch over :(

Also, the ingredients to collect are often invisible, thats why i wasnt seeing them but the sparkle is there.
  • Cody's Avatar
  • Cody
  • 11 years 3 months ago
We were having some issue with z offsets, that might be why they're invisible.

We'll look into the character swap bug.

As for the Ultimate Tokens, you still get 3 of each token each day for free. The goal is to force the players to really think about when and what they wanna use ultimates on. A simple timer system doesn't really make sense because you can just use the skill on cooldown without really worrying about it.

We'll see how it pans out, but we think the system should work reasonably well.
Connor Brennan
Fractal Entertainment
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Well if they arnt reined in for pvp you'll get nothing but screams for p2w, every new f2p game comes around on steam gets the treatment ! Its fallout every time :( Sometimes things are just have the perception of p2w but nobody will take a long enough look to know.

Anyways, I was able to go back to the temple on Krug to check for quests and that worked but it didn't when I tried with Kissa (I wanted to know if her talk with the dark god statue would shed some insight on whether or not she is in fact evil)

The super skills probably need toned down, (Khy's firestorm thing looks like it could nearly wipe out an entire party, if you pop ignite after it) Seems like a steep mana cost/condition could suit them out for each class. Kissa for example, make her ultimates cost 10 marks.

Like I suggested before with Krug, his ultimate could consume both stances at once.
  • Cody's Avatar
  • Cody
  • 11 years 3 months ago
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