Arena thing

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  • Cody
  • 11 years 5 months ago
Arena still seems unfair for the A.I. even if the attacker uses no potions, from what i've seen it looks like the ai team has access to all character abilities rather than the side-kick versions, correct? But how are they augmented ? I'm seeing that the A.I. doesnt use heals like it should, probably because it has so many other skills to use that healing gets skipped.

So i suggest a slot to equip a defensive potion, that is automatically used by the A.I. in arena. The potion is not consumed though, so you are just equipping your team with whatever item you think will help them best and it will always be there for them to use once per battle.

A second slot for such an item could also be an unlock/premium feature. I'd argue its a bought advantage but not pay to win since offensively using an item counters it and anyone can do that. It'd just give your stupid AI an edge when attacked.
We've been thinking a lot about this.

The AI having the actually skills (and not the sub-character skills) is actually most likely hurting them, and the actual skills normally require a good amount of timing and such to maximize their effect, where the sub-character versions are very simple to use.

As such, it may make more sense to make ALL the character of the AI sub character based (Perhaps even make a special skill set for the party's leader). We do like the idea of letting the AI have a few advantages too... most likely, they'll be able to use their ultimate skill for free (after level 15).

Otherwise, we'll most likely give them a DPS/HP/Healing boost buff to help balance it out a bit. The trick, of course, is going to be finding the correct amount to boost them by!
Connor Brennan
Fractal Entertainment
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I like my potion equip thing :3 it lets you customize the defense boost you want based on your party, and it can be fairly monetized. I'm glad my wild speculation was not inaccurate !
  • Cody's Avatar
  • Cody
  • 11 years 5 months ago
  • Cody's Avatar
  • Cody
  • 11 years 5 months ago
It seems that the AI uses a lot of buffs in the arena. Krug had all 3 roars and both thick skins before he went down, i wonder if he even used a single attack or just buffed himself =/
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