Enchanting questions

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  • Cody's Avatar
  • Cody
  • 11 years 5 months ago
So i got a staff to +10 at the cost of about 500k, was wondering some things.

Is the base upgrade chance the same for all items regardless of rarity or level?

Do upgrades get consecutively more difficult for past gem upgrades ?

How many passive abilities can be enchanted onto one item ?
Upgrade chance doesn't change, but price does... so the high end gear is quite expensive to upgrade.

PAST materials have no effect on the current upgrade chance, but the CURRENT material have a major impact.

You can add at most 30 materials to a single piece of gear.
Connor Brennan
Fractal Entertainment
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So try to put in your best gems on the first upgrade for best chances? Good to know
  • Cody's Avatar
  • Cody
  • 11 years 5 months ago
actually.. there is a hammer, which will give You 100% chance when upgrading. That way You can get for example, over 100% life steal from one item, or up to +150 into two statistics.
A 15$ hammer :p a silver hammer guarantees the first 3-4 enchants with gems already though.
  • Cody's Avatar
  • Cody
  • 11 years 5 months ago
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